Cloud File Storage

Store your files and teaching materials in the cloud on Pencil Spaces
Cloud File Storage

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Your education filing cabinet

Store your files where you use them

No need to download from your cloud storage site and upload them to your virtual classroom (or worse, screenshare), now you can access all your files directly from your Space.

Share educational materials

Forget managing shared cloud docs and folders, upload files to Pencil Spaces to instantly control access to teachers and students in your Institution based on their courses and subjects.

Access files anywhere

Access files from anywhere in the world with all your content safely stored in the cloud.

Store your files where you use them

No need to download from your cloud storage site and upload them to your virtual classroom (or worse, screenshare), now you can access all your files directly from your Space.

Share educational materials

Forget managing shared cloud docs and folders, upload files to Pencil Spaces to instantly control access to teachers and students in your Institution based on their courses and subjects.

Access files anywhere

Access files from anywhere in the world with all your content safely stored in the cloud.

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.