File Upload

Upload PDFs, PPTX, images, gifs and more right to the whiteboard.
File Upload

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Your classroom, your content

Upload anything

Bring any PDF, DOCX, PPTC, JPEG, PNG or MPEG-4 file from your computer right onto the whiteboard.

Share in Spaces

Share documents and other files in a secure and interactive way by putting them in a Space.

Use your own materials

Keep using all the materials your know and love in Pencil Spaces instantly.

Upload anything

Bring any PDF, DOCX, PPTC, JPEG, PNG or MPEG-4 file from your computer right onto the whiteboard.

Share in Spaces

Share documents and other files in a secure and interactive way by putting them in a Space.

Use your own materials

Keep using all the materials your know and love in Pencil Spaces instantly.

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.